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Northbound: {AVERAGESPEEDNB} km/h Southbound: {AVERAGESPEEDSB} km/h

85th Percentile:
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Northbound: {NB85TH} km/h Southbound: {SB85TH} km/h

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End Date: {ENDDATE}
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Northbound: {AVERAGESPEEDNB} km/h Southbound: {AVERAGESPEEDSB} km/h

85th Percentile:
The speed at or below which 85 percent of all vehicles are travelling past the spot where data is being collected.
Eastbound: {EB85TH} km/h Westbound: {WB85TH} km/h
Northbound: {NB85TH} km/h Southbound: {SB85TH} km/h

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Date Submitted: {DATESUBMITTED}
Primary Reason for Request: {PRIMARYREASON}


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Northbound: {AVERAGESPEEDNB} km/h Southbound: {AVERAGESPEEDSB} km/h

85th Percentile:
The speed at or below which 85 percent of all vehicles are travelling past the spot where data is being collected.
Eastbound: {EB85TH} km/h Westbound: {WB85TH} km/h
Northbound: {NB85TH} km/h Southbound: {SB85TH} km/h

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End Date: {ENDDATE}
Total Number of Vehicles During Time Period: {NO_VEHICLES}
Deployment Location: {DEPLOY_LOCAL}

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Northbound: {AVERAGESPEEDNB} km/h Southbound: {AVERAGESPEEDSB} km/h

85th Percentile:
The speed at or below which 85 percent of all vehicles are travelling past the spot where data is being collected.
Eastbound: {EB85TH} km/h Westbound: {WB85TH} km/h
Northbound: {NB85TH} km/h Southbound: {SB85TH} km/h

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