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Distribution (range) polygonswere assembled by regional SARA biologists using the best available information, including COSEWIC status reports, recovery potential assessments, academic literature, and expert opinion. These spatial data support the protection, recovery and conservation of species listed as Extirpated, Endangered, Threatened or Special Concern under SARA. Species distributions are also described and displayed in Recovery Strategies, Action Plans and/or Management Plans. Discrepancies may exist between the distribution data shown in a species’ SARA recovery document and the current spatial data. Please contact DFO for more information on any data discrepancies.
Critical habitat was assembled by SARA regional biologists and recovery teams.They are designed to support the protection and recovery of species listed as Extirpated, Endangered or Threatened under the Species at Risk Act. They are also described and displayed in species’ Recovery Documents and Action Plans.
Please note: there are different types of Critical Habitat descriptors. Descriptors (such as bounding box coordinates are not included in this dataset).
ANSI's (Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest) are polygon features that represent lands and waters containing important natural landscapes or features that are important for natural heritage, protection, appreciation, scientific study or education.
This dataset is often used by users without access to the Provincial Forest Resource Inventory data, which contains information like municipalities and non-profit groups not affiliated with monitoring or maintaining the Forest Resource Inventory.