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Layer: Railway (ID: 8)

Default Visibility:   True

Configured Visibility:   True

Minimum Scale:   0

Maximum Scale:   0

Extent:   530337.421634089, 4761777.69336157, 582000.497922789, 4793878.52650628

Display Name:   Railway

Description:   <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Linear feature indicating the locations of railway lines in the County, and whether the line is Active or Inactive. This feature class is derived from Land Information Ontario (LIO), and has had the attributes slightly modified to incorporate a Status field that categorizes if the rail lines as Active or Inactive</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

Feature Type:   Line

Type:   FeatureLayer

Display Field:   ID

Primary Key Field:   OBJECTID

Show Map Tips:   False

Searchable:   False

Identifiable:   True

Queryable:   True

Can Copy Feature:   True

Snappable:   True

Snapping Enabled:   False

Has Attachments:   False

Feature Label:   {ID}

Feature Description:   N/A

Feature Long Description:   N/A

Feature Zoom Factor:   N/A

Feature Zoom Scale:   N/A

Feature Border Color:   N/A

Feature Border Width:   N/A

Feature Fill Color:   N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:   True

Include in Legend:   True

Can Toggle Labels:   False

Allow Symbolization:   True

Draw Index:   N/A

Legend URL:   N/A

Style Name:   N/A

Parent Layer: County Wide Base Map

Data Provider:   Default

Time Zone ID:   N/A

  • OBJECTID (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • ID (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • STATUS (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE (Type: Object, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE.STLength() (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)

Layer Hyperlinks:

Show Feature Hyperlinks:   Show

Feature Hyperlinks:

Is Dynamic:   False

Dynamic Definition:




    Supported Interfaces:  REST